Here you can find out all about our past events. Not all events have been archived.
Saturday 21st February - 2015
Despite the cold weather GPAG was out celebrating national nest box week. Understanding the need to engage with children about the importance of wildlife and conservation is an exceptionally important goal of GPAG. We pitched our Gazebo's next to the children’s playground in Moses Gate Country Park and the event was a great success with children of all ages involved in the making of bird boxes. We managed to obtain enough though donations to cover the cost of materials. A few of the boxes will be erected in the Darcy Lever Gravel Pits to enhance the area’s bird populations.

Saturday 21st March - 2015
The event was a massive success with over thirty children and twenty adults attending the 'Frog Watch' and watch frogs is exactly what we did. The warm weather and time of year proved the perfect environment for mating frogs. Over twenty frogs gathered on the pond edge through out the whole event. We also had newts, leeches and the Great Crested Newt.
To find out more why not read about it in the Bolton News!

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown
Monday 4th May - 2015
On the 4th of May and with funding help from ‘The big Bolton fund’ the Darcy Lever gravel pits annual mayday celebration returned. Using Flyers, banners, social media, word of mouth and engagement with local schools the gravel pits action group, spread our event far and wide.
To find out more check out the pictures or watch the video in our video, events section.

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown

Photographer - Chris Brown
Saturday 11th July - 2015
On Saturday the 11th July the Gravel Pits Action Group hosted a wonderful day exploring the amazing hidden world of invertebrates with local residents from Darcy Lever. The afternoon started with a show and tell of a previous night moth collection carried out by John Anderton. Children were allowed to hold the moths in their hands and the collection included 3 variation of hawk moths, Buff tips, peppered moths and a whole host of other moths. John Anderton regularly carries out moth surveys for the Friends of Seven Acres and the Gravel Pits Action Group, however john stated “This has been the best collection of moths I’ve ever had”.
GPAG then headed towards the Gravel Pits with children being given nets to search and hunt for mini beasts that the GPAG volunteers would help identify for them. The children had a brilliant time watching the damselfly’s, dragonflies, butterflies and day flying moths and some children even caught a few butterflies in their nets!

Monday 2nd May - 2016
On Monday the 4th of May and with funding help from ‘The big Bolton fund’ the Darcy Lever gravel pits annual mayday celebration returned. Using Flyers, banners, social media, word of mouth and engagement with local schools the gravel pits action group, spread our event far and wide.
To find out more check out the Bolton News article.