Monthly Meetings
Indoor meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month. We meet at 7.30 pm in the Darcy Lever Arms in Darcy Lever.
Everyone is welcome to attend any of our meetings.
Conservation tasks are usually carried out on Friday and Saturday mornings and we usually meet inside the gravel pits at the entrance which runs alongside croft side. The usual start time for our conservation tasks is 10.30am, and we recommend you bring a packed lunch, old clothes, gloves and strong footwear are all recommended. Please do not attend without contacting GPAG first.
Tools will be provided for by the group on the day, and instruction in careful tool use will always be given prior to the task start.
Public Events
We do occasional events like guided walks, pond dipping days and educational talks for the public, and the start times for these can differ. Please check on the day as a lot of these events are weather dependant.
Everyone is welcome to attend either a conservation task, or one of our other events, the details will usually be listed in the quarterly task program below:

FEB 2020
Saturday 1st February [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 3.
Thursday 6th February [#1].
Task Day with Prince’s Trust -10.30am until 1.30pm.
Friday 7th February [#4.]
Strim Path 10 and Edges of Pond 18.
Saturday 8th February [#2].
Tidy-up Kissing Gates.
Tuesday 11th February.
Monthly Meeting 7: 30pm Levers Arms, Darcy Lever.
Thursday 13th February [#**].
Bolton School – Meet at Croftside @ 1.30 pm.
Friday 14h February [#12].
Yearly Nest Box Repairs and/or Replacement.
Saturday 15th February [#12].
Complete Nest Box Repairs and/or Replacement.
Tuesday 18th February.
Wild Adventure Fun Day with Groundwork -1pm until 3pm.
Friday 21st February [#2].
Tidy up Horse Styles.
Saturday 22nd February [#2].
Tidy up Horse Styles.
Friday 28th February [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 4.
Saturday 29th February [#4].
No Official Task.

MARCH 2010
Tuesday 3rd March [#1].
Task Day with Prince’s Trust -10.30am until 1.30pm.
Thursday 5th March [#**].
Bolton School – Meet at Croftside @ 1.30 pm.
Friday 6th March [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 5.
Saturday 7th March [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 6a.
Tuesday 10th March.
Monthly Meeting 7: 30pm Levers Arms, Darcy Lever.
Friday 13th March [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 1d.
Saturday 14th March [#4].
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 9.
Thursday 19h March [#**].
Bolton School – Meet at Croftside @ 1.30 pm.
Friday 20th March [#4].
Complete the Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Pond 9.
Saturday 21st March [#5].
Annual Frog Watch Events 12noon -2pm (NB Weather Dependent).
Friday 27th March.
Strim and Remove Secondary Growth from Edges of Canal Scrapes..
Saturday 28th March.
No Official Task.

APRIL 2020
Friday 3rd April.
Clear and Clean boardwalk adjacent to Canal Scrapes.
Saturday 4th April [#11.]
Install Anti-slip Strips on Boardwalk.
Friday 10th April.
Good Friday - No Official Task.
Saturday 11th April.
Easter Saturday – No Official Task.
Tuesday 14th April.
Monthly Meeting 7: 30pm Levers Arms, Darcy Lever.
Friday 17th April [#3].
Repair Boardwalks where Necessary.
Saturday 18th April [#4].
Tidy up Edges of Pond 11.
Friday 24th April [#9].
Mow and Tidy Heathland in Preparation for Mayday Parade.
Saturday 25th April.
Site Review to Establish Extent of Work Required for May Day.
Thursday 30th April [#**].
Bolton School – Meet at Croftside @ 1.30 pm.

Unless otherwise stated, meet at 10.30am at the Croftside car parking area.
Old clothes, gloves and strong footwear or wellies are recommended.
For further information on dates and activities, please contact
Mike Fisher on 07745 268815.
Tasks and events are subject to change, please check on the day.
PLEASE NOTE – equipment/tools required for the following tasks:
[#1] Loppers and bow saws required
[#2] Trenching spades, rakes, loppers and bows required
[#3] Gloves, wire mesh, wire cutters, staples, hammers, spade and stiff brush required
[#4] Strimmer, bow saws, rakes and loppers required
[#5] Nets, jars, trays, and ID charts required
[#6] Trenching spades, Claw hammer, nails, hand saws required
[#7] Strimmer, loppers and rakes are required
[#8] Claw hammer, nails, hand saws, bow saws, and loppers required
[#9] Lawn mower, strimmers, rakes, loppers, bow saws and a shovel required
[#10] Waders, bow saws, loppers and rope are required
[#11] Hammers, nails, spades, pliers and gloves required
[#**] Bolton School Task – Tools to be advised prior to task.